Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Management Accounting Questions, Problems, and Answers

Exam Chapter 1-5 Name 1) Managers usemanagement accounting information to A) implement C) communicate strategy. B) choose D) All of these answers are correct. 2) Place the four business functions in the order they appear along the value chain: Customer service Design Marketing Production A) Design, Production, Marketing, Customer Service B) Customer Service, Design, Production, Marketing C) Design, Customer Service, Production, Marketing D) Customer Service, Marketing, Production, Design 3) Place the five steps inthe decision-making process inthe correct order: A = Obtain information B = Make decisions by choosing among alternatives C = Identify the problem and uncertainties D = Implement the decision†¦show more content†¦18) A is a grouping ofindividual indirect cost items. A) cost assignment C) cost pool 19) B) job-costing system D) cost allocation base costing isused by abusiness to price unique products for different jobs. A) Job B) Traditional C) Actual D) Process 20) Process costing: A) is used exclusivelyin manufacturing B) iscommonly used bygeneral contractors who construct custom-built homes C)results in different costs for different units produced D) allocates allproduct costs, including materials and labor 21) Place the following steps inthe order suggested by the seven steps used to assign costs to individual jobs: A. Identify indirect costs B. Compute the total cost of the job C. Select cost-allocation bases D. Compute the indirect cost rate A)DCAB B)CADB C) ACDB D) BACD 22) Managers and accountants collect most of the cost information that goes into their systems through: A) time surveys B) computer programs C) source documents D) an information databank 23) Product costing informationis used by managers: B) to make decisions and strategy D) All of these answers are correct. A) for cost management C) for planning and control Answer the following questions usingthe information below: Rhett Company has two departments, Machining and Assembly. TheShow MoreRelatedDifference between Financial and Managerial Accounting 637 Words   |  3 PagesThe primary difference between financial and managerial accounting is that financial accounting is used for external members of the company; they do not control or run the businesses’ operations. An example of external members would be customers and shareholders of the business. On the other hand, managerial accounting is used for internal members in the company such as managers and officers. The internal members use managerial accounting to increase efficiency and effectiveness within their companyRead Moreassig11515 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Assignment – 1 Introduction to Financial Management Question 1: Separate the following list of assets into real assets and financial assets. What are the distinguishing characteristics of each type of asset ? Delivery truck, factory building, corporate bond, inventory, corporate stock , land , note receivable, computer Answer: Real Assets: A real asset is an object or a thing which provide service of some kind, such as transportation, shelter or the ability to produce somethingRead MoreEssay on Financial Accounting Theory1727 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿QUESTION 1 a. Outline the objective and the principles of a theory that prescribes fair value accounting. Fair value accounting is to measure selected assets at fair value. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. The objective of fair value accounting is linked with the objective of ‘decision usefulness’ of general purpose financial reporting. 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The questions are as follows; (A3.1) If you were an accountant for Intel, what specifically would be the relevant accounting researchRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Accounting Industry1221 Words   |  5 Pagespossible in the past. As of right now my future major and career is in the accounting industry. Accounting has gone through many changes throughout the years. There are changes with technology, new regulations and standards, and the uncertainty of the economic market that may affect the accounting industry. The advancements of technology have been one of the biggest changes around the world, and it is also affecting the accounting world today. Future technologies will change the way accountants do theirRead MoreEffective Accounting Practices on Small Business1032 Words   |  5 Pagesfields show achievement, may it be a clothing line, Fast Food Chains, even online shopping is on the hit. Then you realize, they are succeeding for a reason. What reason could that be? Hardworking that goes along in following right practices, right Accounting Practices. Having said its success, the business industry is still growing and growing. As it was know, proprietors or entrepreneurs are the people behind business, they are the so called operators. It is the business to the relationship betweenRead MoreEssay about Acct-212 Midterm Study Guide1080 Words   |  5 PagesFinancial Accounting Midterm Exam Study Guide YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The Midterm Exam is open book, open notes. The maximum time you can spend in the exam is 3 hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit For Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Midterm Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. 2. You should click the Save Answers buttonRead MoreQuestions On Accounting And Management Accounting766 Words   |  4 Pages Subject Name: Accounting for Decision Making Course Name: Bachelor of Commerce (Applied) Semester/Year: 01st Semester 2015 Due Date: Monday 23rd March 2015 Student Name: Phuwanat Tharanop ID: 1499002 ASSIGNMENT ONE PART ONE: 15 marks Research Questions Q1: Write a detailed summary that describes and distinguishes in-depth the different roles of financial accounting and management accounting ‘play’ in a professional service organisation. Answer: Financial accounting is the process of summarizingRead MoreEssay on sexuality in marketing646 Words   |  3 Pagesinter-enterprise information system are personal email of a single employee (for example 000@audi.com), Customer service system, Audi online webpage, and AUB cashier’s office and Audi Bank relatively. The three workgroups are the customer service, accounting, and sales department. They all share common information of customers such as customer’s name, age, account ID †¦etc. employee’s email address is the example of personal information system as it each employee has his/her own email thus single user

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